Friday, January 13, 2012

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there!

Hey there blog readers! First let me clarify a few things, this is NOT a diet blog. Not no way, not no how. Simply a pun on my name...and subtle irony as to how much my lard ass hates to diet. The first two letters of my (asinine) first name are Ch and my (almost) husband's last name is the diet. The horrifying diet that consists of depriving your body of the glory that is carbs. Just me? Oh.

You might have noticed that I clarified that I am not quite married yet. T-56 days until I am officially a Mrs.

I am scared shitless a little nervous about standing up in front of all of those people for 6 straight hours and not falling down, saying the wrong thing, or ya know, have a boob pop out. Murphy's Law was written about me. In case you aren't hip to Murphy's jive, he basically said "what can go wrong will go wrong." I go wrong all the damn time. You can see why I would be nervous about being a bride. Brides are supposed to be graceful and elegant. What has two thumbs and is always falling down? This guy! I just hurt myself pointing at myself with my thumbs.

So join me as I take you along for this ride called life. I'll show you a little bit of hell wedding planning, life as newlyweds, the occasional book review, baby fever, and a lil TMI thrown in for good measure.

See ya 'round!

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