No this isn't a list of cute babies sitting in buckets...but seriously how friggin cute is that baby!
Unlike most 25 year old girls I know, I am unusually excited about being a mother. I am not that crazy about the bar scene and never really have been one to fight for my right to party. But the idea of making delicious meals for my family, swaddling a bundle of joy, or even researching which diaper genie is right for us makes me downright giddy. Let's face it...I have a fever. Baby fever.
I'm pretty sure my fever can't be cured with more cowbell, but who knows.
In order to quell some of my maternal longings, I've created a list of activities I want to do before bringing another life into this world. Some of these things I could do pregnant or even after we are parents, but would be much more enjoyable with a drink in hand and no babysitter to worry about.
1. Go on a wine tasting tour at a vineyard
Since moving to Austin, I have made the transfer from "Wine, oh no!" to full on "Wino". Find me a sweet red wine and I'm all over that stuff like flies on a turd. Napa Valley would be the preferred tour. Alas, with airline prices skyrocketing, methinks a day trip to Fredricksburg would be sufficient. They have some beautiful B&Bs right on the vineyard if we wanted to stay the night...ya know after downing a bottle or two.
2. Appreciate bathroom time alone
Every mom I know has at one time or another dished to me about how much they miss going to the restroom in private. With toddler(s) running around, you simply cannot escape mommy-hood for a minute or two even when nature calls.
3. Take a road trip
One spontaneous day I want to grab my bags and my husband and hit the wide open road. Where we end up at the end of the day is where we spend the night. We can take time to explore a different city without endless research. Just get out and enjoy the world God built for us. We can play blare music that isn't so kid friendly. We can enjoy a romantic getaway without paying someone to watch our kiddos. We can enjoy a car that hasn't been taken over by car seats and cheerios. Let's do this soon!
4. Spend an entire day in bed together watching movies
To me there is nothing better than enjoying a Godfather marathon. The mister would more than likely argue that. Spending the day in PJ's watching our favorite movies with some snacks at hand? Heaven! We could probably do this with a bun in the oven but once that bun is out, probably not. Chances are after little Chatkins arrive, the only time one of us gets to spend a day in bed with movies is if we have the flu. That takes about 100% of the fun out of it. Or if the little one is sick we undoubtedly spend the day caring for them in bed...but all of the movies will consist of talking rats and life lessons. Pssht. Forget the rat and give me an onscreen half naked Ryan Gossling. Ah, movie time.
5. Have boozy lunches with friends
Oh mimosas, how do I love you? Let me count the ways. The great thing about meeting up with lady friends to gossip discuss world affairs over a mimosa or bloody mary is that when you go home you don't have to chase a rugrat for hours until bedtime. You can take a nap and sleep off the lunch. Or call any friends that weren't at said lunch to dish any news. Now, dear friends, I would never do that. Unless the mimosas were reeeallly good. Then who knows what I'm capable of. Mua-ha-ha-ha!
6. Fly First Class
This one, we have actually accomplished a few times. And it was fantastic! The only way to fly if you ask my dear fiance. However, once we have a baby to travel with, first class will undoubtedly be out of our price range. Not to mention we don't want to be those parents who have a screaming baby in first class. I mean, those nice people did not pay out the wazoo to hear your kid scream.
7. Visit New York City as an adult
The mister has never been to the Big Apple and I only went for a couple of days on a school trip when I was 15. Granted, I got to do all of the touristy things like visit Ground Zero, the Statue of Liberty, and see a LOT of broadway shows (it was a choir trip after all). That was 10 years ago though. I spent most of the trip plagued with laryngitis and trying to woo a senior boy. Um, yeah, teenage self, boys do not find your hacking attractive. Wait until you are better. Now of course we could travel to NYC anytime in our lives, but when better than when we don't have anyone but ourselves to look after? I can't imagine trying to keep up with a kid in all of those crowds. If we do decide to have kids before making this trip, we would either have to wait until they are old enough to come along, stay home by themselves, or pay a babysitter an outrageous salary. First anniversary honey? No. Alright, fine.
8. Vegas Baby!
What better way to enjoy being childless than a few days in Sin City? Our gambling wouldn't be a big deal because no one depends on us right now. And if we win big? Hello nursery makeover! You're welcome kiddo. Not to mention a friend of mine that can get us into clubs with bottle service without paying $$$$. So she says you K!
9. Weekend trip to New Orleans
Let me clarify, I DO NOT and WILL NOT go during Mardi Gras. With ta-tas like mine, Mardi Gras is no place for a prude like me. But a nice Autumn day in the French Quarter sounds downright heavenly. Not to mention some good ol' Cajun chicken pasta. Nom nom nom
10. Learn to sew
I really hate that I have no sewing abilities whatsoever. I long to sew blankets, Christmas tree skirts, even baby toys for when the little one comes. I know I'm never going to get around to it once I'm a busy momma so I would really like to learn now. I think once the wedding is over, and the house is bought and decorated, I am going to purchase a sewing machine and learn it like a boss.
11. Learn CPR and First Aid
If I don't learn this before I get preggers, then I most certainly need to learn it before baby is born. My only CPR knowledge comes from TV so to all of you readers, I suggest you don't die around me. That is until I take a CPR class.
12. Purchase a real "big girl" camera
The point and shoot I got from FI when I graduated college was perfect back then. It's pink and it takes pictures, what more would a girl want? Well the truth is, said camera kind of sucks. It has to be zoomed in at least one notch to take a picture and has a shutter speed of about 5 minutes (or so it seems). I would really love to learn how to use a good Nikon or Cannon. I want to learn all of the settings and take some artsy pictures...and then eventually artsy baby pictures.

13. Finish the Wedding Scrapbook
My awesome boss gave me a giant box of stuff to make a wedding scrapbook. It was given to her by her mother but she never got around to putting it together and with 2 kids now, it probably would never happen. I hope I can chisel out some time after the move to put it together. Scrapbooking used to be my favorite hobby so I bet it won't take a whole lot of motivation. All I need is my wedding pictures back, and ya know, a scrapbook to put this stuff in.
14. Become a member of our church's congregation
We have been pretty good about going to church the last couple of months. Give or take a few days when wedding planning or sickness took over the afternoon. Once we get settled I would like to apply for membership at our home church. I would really like to become a part of the community and have a closer relationship with God.
15. Own a home
This might be the most important item on my list. When I bring my child home, I want to know that this is the home that he or she will grow up in. Having never lived in any one place for more than 3 years, I really want my kids to have a "home." I want to mark their heights on the wall and watch them change in this one place. After they have moved away, I want to walk into their room and feel my child in that place.
I wonder how many of these we can knock out in the first year or two of marriage. Let's get it started!
*Disclaimer: This is MY list. Mr. Catkins probably has a much longer list. Trust me.
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