It's a short-based comedy starring and written by Carrie Brownstein and SNL's Fred Armisen on IFC - the Independent Film Channel. The show is centered around the hipster-Mecca, Portland, Oregon. Granted I've never been there, but living in another Hipster Paradise, Austin, I definitely understand everything. Some people take defense as if they're attacking today's progressive lifestyle, but really it's a sort of hubris. Most people I know are guilty of many of the topics that they make fun of. Hell, I saw myself reflected in both the "technology overload" and "put a bird on it" shorts. Even though I constantly bitch about hipsters, I know that compared to my immediate friends and family I'm practically a fat Zoeey Deschanel.
There's a particular short on Portlandia that struck pretty close to home. And by home I mean the place where I spend most of my waking hours, work.
"You want the Simply Everything Plus Plan"
"What's that?"
"It's simply text."
OMG...that is freaking hilarious. I know you're supposed to get mad at the Wireless Toyz employee, but I feel for him. Trust me, he doesn't want to be as big of a doucher as he is forced to be.
Thus ends another YouTube Tuesday. Thanks for hanging out with me. Oh, and you can find Season 1 of Portlandia (which includes the episode with this clip) on Netflix.
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