Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wedding Recap Wednesday: Other People's Wedding

Since we are moving this weekend, the whole house (or at least a solid 70% of it) is packed up and ready to move including the desk-top computer where I do my wedding recap blog posts. So this week I want to share with you some of the brides that provided inspiration for our wedding. Oh I'm sorry. Did I just rock your world? No, I did not have many original thoughts during wedding planning. You can go ahead and pick your jaw up off of the floor now.

Note: I had a single source for all of these ideas. Weddingbee was more than a source for inspiration. It also acted as a catharsis when I thought I was going to go cray cray. Here are the wedding-blogging brides that rocked my world for two years.

Mrs. Cannon
Mrs. Cucumber Sandwich
Mrs. Dalmation
Mrs. High Wire
Mrs. Honey (seriously, I stole like half of her wedding. even the precipitation)
Mrs. Jaguar (the first weddingbee bride I stumbled thankful for that google search)
Mrs. Lioness
Mrs. Panther
Mrs. Unicycle
Mrs. Waffle (Austin-y goodness)
Mrs. Zebra (she's still my favorite blogger. possibly my favorite imaginary interwebs friend. it was her recaps that got me through the last couple of weeks where I wanted to go on a murder spree)

You might be thinking, what's with the weird names? Do all of these people have cartoon husbands? No, their husbands are very real and dashing to boot. The monikers are simply "just a hive thing."

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