So....I've been thinking.
No, I'm not breaking up with you. I realize how scary that first sentence can be.
I haven't been the greatest blogger this last year. A large part of that is due to the fact that switching to a different location with my job meant taking on a lot more responsibility. The other part is, as fascination with my wedding wained, I found myself without topics to write about. I really do think about things to write about but then, I'm like...why would they care that I haven't seen the calf that lives behind our house in weeks and I'm secretly depressed about it? Why would y'all care that every time I see a wolf spider in our house (like 3 times a day) I howl at the moon now that I know what kind of spider they are...and then promptly proceed with execution? You don't. Because you have lives. And if you do care about the silly things from my life in the sticks, then I want to introduce you to two of my good friends: Internet and television. They are way more entertaining.
That being said, I want you to know I'm not giving up on blogging; I'm just shifting gears. Instead of writing for the sake of writing, which is totes fun in its own right, I need a topic to stay focused on. So, I'm starting a new blog. A baby blog. Now before you freak out and blow up my FB page, I'M NOT PREGNANT. We aren't even trying yet. So just slow your role.
Those of you who know me personally and know me well, are quite aware of my baby fever. It's baaad y'all. I saw a picture of my friend Laura's new baby with his big sister, my favorite almost 5 (what!?!?) year old, and I swear I felt my ovaries explode with giddiness. I haven't even met the new kid (because I'm the worst friend EVER) and the sight of his cheeks make me just explode...almost literally. Not to mention I'm the only one in my hubby's fam that isn't knocked up. THE ONLY ONE. Srsly. That's just mean, guys. And some of you have even heard of my timeline on putting that bun in the oven. I'm waiting until September to get the baby train rolling. That's when we're going to NYC for the hub's 30th birthday and God as my witness, I will not have morning sickness when there are hot dog carts at my disposal. As much as I love the idea of making a baby, I love New York food even more...said every mom ever, I'm almost certain. No? Oh. Well, my bad. I'm pretty sure the last time I was in the Big Apple, a whopping 12 years ago, I ate my weight in hot dogs, pizza, and cheesecake. Oh sweet Jesus the cheesecake. Yep, def waiting until after the NYC trip.
Anywhoodles, what do you guys think of me starting a blog documenting all things TTC, pregnancy, and baby related? It would be an AdSense blog so momma can make some (if any) monies. I would discuss topics such as budgets, pet-to-baby relations, re-purposing furniture, and if all the new fancy schmancy baby products are necessary. And of course, in true Cheriee style, I would keep it real. You know it won't all be pretty. And Dear Husband, don't worry. I won't be posting anything too personal, at least nothing that concerns you. So you can stop hyperventilating. I wouldn't do you like that.
So lend me your 2 cents. Is this something you would read? Is this something you would want to hear from a writer like me? Lemmeknow.
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