Have you guys seen these
meme's floating around on the
Yep, pretty effing hilarious. Recently, I've had quite a few of these moments. Not moments where I made inappropriate comments to my favorite childhood movies. I've been doing that for years! No, moments where a realization of how old I am has hit me right in the gut.
I first noticed this when the hubs and I went to the
Summerland Tour concert at
Moody Theater here in Austin. We were so STOKED to see some of our favorite bands from the 90s.
The Chatkins spotted on a rare evening out |
The line-up included
Marcy Playground,
The Gin Blossoms,
Sugar Ray, and
Everclear. I mean good god. It couldn't get much more awesome unless they resurrected Kurt Cobain himself from the grave. We had an awesome good time...even despite the fact that I was suffering from food poisoning from eating a soggy cheeseburger the night before. Et tu
Jim's? Each set was more and more memorable. Even Marcy Playground, who had 1 song in the late 90s that I even remember, were freaking awesome. It goes without saying that the other bands were totally kick-ass.
Mark McGrath and Art Alexakis introducing the show |
Mark McGrath taking pictures of Lit for his twitter feed (somewhere my 12 year-old self is squealing like a stuck pig) |
And that is Lit ROCKING MY FREAKING WORLD. Seriously...OMFG. I felt like I was 13 years old and watching MTV in the wee hours of the Summer morning, after my dad went to bed. You know, except live and a thousand times better than that. If you listen closely you can hear a very tone-deaf Mrs. Chatkins singing her ass off.
This is when shit gets real. It was not until this moment did I feel like I should be in a walker and compression stockings.
The Gin Blossoms are loosing their fucking hair! One of the best bands from my formative years are balding for cripes sake. Good night nurse, when did I get that damn old? In case you're wondering why the Gin Blossoms' balding issues are specifically tough to handle, this is how I remember them:
Sugar Ray bringing back memories of Middle School dances |
That blob on the platform is Mark McGrath's fine ass |
Sugar Ray's show was jam packed with memories. From "Every Morning" to "(I Just Wanna) Fly" they showed that they obviously hadn't lost their touch. In other news, Mark McGrath is still unreasonably hot. Hot damn. I don't know if it was the red bull and vodka's that I was slamming that night, but I think I like Sugar Ray even more as an adult than I did as a kid (and I fucking worshiped them as a kid).
The most epic show of the night? Everclear, obvs.
Art Alexakis wailing on the guitar |
The best part of the legendary evening? Oh giiiirl. Check this shit out:
No that's not me macking on some random tatted up hottie. That is me macking on none other than A. Jay Popoff from Lit. Yep. That sexy thang from the first video in this post is hugging me. Sweet Jeebus my left boob was touching him. Is it hot in here? No? Oh hmmm... Anywhoo, how this happened was, as we were leaving (I was more stumbling than leaving) the Moody Theater, we spotted Jeremy Popoff, the guitar player from Lit. As I was waiting to take a picture with him (that didn't happen. Sorry Jeremy!) my wonderful, amazing, best husband ever says "hey there's the lead singer." I am so surprised and so proud of myself that I didn't scream and shit my pants right then and there. I actually held myself together and asked him to take a picture with me. Of course he said yes. I mean who would say no to me? Oh yeah, Jesse James. That's ok, fuck that guy.
Back to
my second husband A. Jay Popoff. He put one arm around me and as my husband was dutifully preparing my phone to take a picture, I rambled off this little piece of awesome, "I would just like to personally thank you for saving me from boy bands." What the hell is that? There are so many better, cooler, just
other things I could have said to a fucking rock star! *Facepalm* I guess it worked for him though, because after I said that he wrapped (Jesus H. Christ - WRAPPED) his arms around me and did a little nuzzle action. alfhwuasdlvj;ai...Oh sorry. I just passed out on the keyboard from sheer exhilaration for a moment.
So anyway that was the night that rocked my socks off and I felt fucking old. It was quite a mix of emotions but in the end, I am so grateful that this concert exists and my employer got me half off tickets. Because that shit was amazing, even if I'm officially old.
***All photos and videos are personal unless otherwise noted. I am in no way affiliated with any of the bands listed, Moody Theater, or ACL Live. I just enjoy badass music.***
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