Tuesday, August 28, 2012

YouTube Tuesday: Thank You

We hit 1,000 page views today!


When I started this little blog back in January, I had no idea that it would become such a big part of my life. If any of you are searching for a way to express your thoughts or ambitions or just share a happy moment with your friends (or the entire online world) I highly encourage you to start a blog. Sometimes there isn't a friendly ear around to hear your rant. Sometimes you want to say something that isn't short or appropriate enough for Facebook. Sometimes you want to just let your writing talents grow and thrive and there isn't always an appropriate way to let your thoughts out. Starting a blog is a fantastic way to express everything you've go going on inside. Let me clarify, that I firmly believe that blogs should NEVER be used as a way to publicly humiliate someone. Cyber-bullying is a real problem and to use your words as weapons is never okay. Think before you type. Remember who could be affected by your words. With that said, I have to say starting a blog is one of the best decisions I've ever made just for the sake of my own sanity. It's easy for thoughts to get all jumbled up inside your head. What a fantastic way to help organize your thoughts all the while exercising your funny bone.

What an amazing journey these 9 months have been! I'm still in the beginning of my blogging life and while I'm still a very small fish in a very big blog-o-sphere pond, I am forever thankful for my 10 awesome followers. Without you guys, I might not have kept this thing up after the move. Your kind words are more appreciated than you know. And for that, today I want to say Thank You. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Thank you for never judging me and letting me tell my story, in my words. Thank you for being a friend.

Rest in peace Andrew Gold.

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