Monday, October 15, 2012

Movie Review Monday: Looper

Last weekend (sorry for the delay) the hubs and I made the journey into town to see Joseph Gordon Levitt's new film "Looper." Um, wow. First let me start off by saying, we are major MAJOR major JGL fans in this house. Like, the fact that my husband's first name is the name of a JGL character kind of sealed the deal for me. And Cam's had a pretty serious man-crush on him since 50/50, possibly since even before then. For me, it was "Angels in the Outfield" when I was 7. Hells yeah. So, it goes without saying that we. were. stoked. for "Looper."
Although "Looper" is set in the pretty near future, 2044, it isn't your average cautionary tale. The same themes were there as other "future" films...drugs, sex, and crime overload. But there wasn't a sob story moral of how we should change our lives now so the world doesn't go to Hell in a hand basket. That was slightly refreshing...but also scary as crap. According to this movie, shit's about to get real...and not in a good way.

I thought it was super long, but the film is really only 2 hours long. You're pumped with information for a long time before you really figure anything out and the whole thing feels like the climax of the movie. There's not a lot of build-up. Just OMG this is the craziest thing now this wait, holy crap!

I took 5 things from this movie:

1. I will never be able to take the dad from "Raising Hope" seriously.

2. Bruce Willis was, is, and always will be a BAMF.

3. One day the whole world will be a city, just like in Star Wars.

Actually, Toto, we really are still in Kansas.
4. Little kids are terrifying.

(I can't find a picture of this on the entire Internet, but just take my word on this one.)

5. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a thespian genius. Somebody give this kid every award available.

Srsly...what can he NOT do?

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