Monday, October 22, 2012

Operation: Eat Like An Adult

Y'all...I eat like a 5 year old. Srsly. It's not even funny any more. I've decided that if I'm ever going to be healthy enough to grow a human being, I need to start eating better. Between my family history and diet habits, I am most definitely going to contract diabetes and or some form of cancer someday. Gestational diabetes is almost a certainty if I can ever talk my husband into procreating. I know that the change has to start with my diet. If I'm going to be a better, more energetic, healthier person/momma, I have to do like MJ says and start with the man (or woman) in the mirror.

You're welcome.

Now, let me apply a disclaimer and state that I am not starting any sort of diet or program. I'm not looking for a temporary weight loss solution. I'm looking for a life style change that fits my goals and will-power. For the love of gawd, I do not want to borrow your book on Paleo. K? K.
I'm not listening!
I am going to change the following:

No More Sodas!

Read my more soda, pop, cokes, or anything else that carbonated high fructose corn syrup is called. I've done this before but I'm going to make sure all of you hold me accountable to this long term. When I've cut out sodas in the past, I've instantly slimmed down. Again, my weight is not what I'm concerned about in this venture but my health. My aunt used to drink a few sodas a day and she got kidney stones. I know that if I don't cut them out, I'll be along that path. I do NOT want to experience kidney stones. Yikes.

Less Sugar!

I hate to admit this, but I freaking love sugar. I love all things sugar related. And I'm not just talking candy here, I'm talking about desserts, carbs that turn into sugar, natural sugars like fruit, and coffee syrups. OMG the coffee syrups. It's no secret that my love for Starbucks and the like knows no bound. I have a freaking gold card for goodness' sake. But I don't like my coffee, latte, or cappuccino black. No sir. I want that coffee to double as dessert. When I drink a latte, it's like I can actually hear myself getting fatter (gold star if you get that reference). So I'm going to use more splenda and cut back on the sugary syrups. Who knows, maybe one day I can drink my coffee black. I'm also giving up the little kid breakfast cereals. Bye bye Count Chocula...hello Special K!

More Veggies!

I'm really pretty good about eating my veggies. I love salads, even with spinach leaves. Granted, I freaking hate cooked spinach, but throw some raw leaves in my salad and I'm a happy camper. Bell peppers...that rings my bell. Cucumbers...not just for disgusting jokes anymore. Squash...yeah still pretty gross but I'll work on it. I've read (somewhere on the interwebs, not sure where) that veggies can lessen the risk for breast cancer...a major scare for me (and probably my husband).

Less Fried Foods

For the last 26 years "grease" has been the word. Not anymore. Case in point: my friend invited me out for Mexican today for lunch. Rather than getting grilled chicken, I chose the taco/cheese enchilada plate. Right now I have heartburn so bad I'm miserable. Why did i get that awful lunch? Why didn't I just say, Not today. Today I packed a healthy lunch so I'm going to have that instead. Idiot. Now I will hate myself until I can, maybe, quell the raging inferno in my chest with Tums when I get hour and a half from now. Damn tacos! Damn all the tacos!

So for now friends, I ask for your support. Not your judgement or nit-picking. I will be healthy enough to have a baby some day. I just hope that day comes sooner than later. The older I get, the harder it's going to be

*cough cough that's what she said cough cough



  1. Sounds great! I make my lattes at home with skim milk, a few drops of vanilla extract, and a small spoon of sugar. I worked the sugar down bit by bit. Good luck!

    1. Thanks girl! I'll have to try that latte recipe!
