Thursday, February 28, 2013

I Deserve An Award

Attention everybody!

Your girl, Cheriee Awesomesauce Atkins-Gosling (jk babe) went into a Target store (for the first time in MONTHS  I might add) and did NOT get Starbucks. I didn't even get popcorn. That's right. The queen of mishandling money and poor food choices chose to go against the grain. Popcorn's a whole grain. Mmmm popcorn. Sea salt popcorn. *wipes drool off of chin* No! Stop! Don't do this to yourself! It's not even 9 o'clock in the morning for Pete's sake.--Sorry. Sometimes I have to be my own life coach.

If you're thinking to yourself, "What's the big deal? I go to Target all the time and never step foot inside Starbucks." Well friend, you clearly don't know me at all. Go ahead and stop reading my blog, unfriend me from facebook, and cross me off of your prayer list. Obviously we are never going to work as friends.

I was going to put a funny picture of "frenemies" here, but that's apparently a TV show and a funny cat meme is impossible to find.

Oh! I also made it out of there under $100. Go ahead and pick your jaw up off the floor. In fact, the only thing I bought that wasn't on my list were socks...that were on clearance! Argyle socks at that.
I'm expecting a phone call from the Nobel Prize people any moment now.

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