Tuesday, July 24, 2012

YouTube Tuesday: How Girls Pack

First off, I want to apologize for the lack of Movie Review Monday yesterday. I only skipped out because, well, I hadn't watched a movie in the past seven days sooo that kind of put me in a tight spot. No new releases, no reruns on TV, not even a juicy/suckfest Lifetime movie. And I know what you're thinking. A giant nerd-ball like you didn't go see The Dark Knight Rises?!?! Nope.

And no, my not going to see TDKR has nothing to do with the tragedy that occurred Friday morning in Aurora, CO. The hubs and I didn't go see it this weekend because we (and by we I mean I) were some box packing mutha-fuggas. I sold a lot of our unnecessary furniture on Craigslist and thus had to clean out a lot of our previously used storage solutions. And by cleaning out I mean I just dumped all that shit into some boxes. After selling our dressers I briefly considered packing all of our clothes except for a 3 week supply. The problem is that I pack like a girl. Normally when I go on vacation I tend to take my entire closet for just a few days. I mean, you never know what is going to come up when you're visiting family and will probably never leave the house....or when you're stranded on a cruise ship and you actually have a schedule of everything that will indeed come up. So reversing this theory, I know in my heart of hearts that I would end up leaving almost my entire closet for the three weeks that we have left in our home and utterly fail at packing anything.

By now you're probably saying to yourself, gee that's really nice. I didn't care to know any of that information whatsoever but...what the fudge does this have to do with YouTube?

Well my bored-out-of-your-minds thoroughly intrigued friends, my friend C introduced me to a series on YouTube called Jenna Marbles (it's ok, I also was worried that it was some sort of porn...it's not). Jenna is this totally adorable young chick who makes hilarious video observations on how people do normal mundane things. This one about packing is so funny I almost peed myself.

This is where you say, "It's funny because it's true" it true Seinfeld form.


  1. my legal team said its ok for you to use my real name.

  2. Noted! For the rest of our viewers "My friend C" = Christel...my soul twin. Seriously...we are the same people. Equally awesome and hot. Look out world..there's two of us!

  3. terrifying. utterly.
